torsdag 7 april 2011


On his thirty-three and a third birthday, Sebastian came up with a plan for his life.

The idea came to him when he pulled a record by The Pharcyde out of it's sleeve and placed it on the turntable.

The record played at 33,3 revolutions per minute and being quite the mechanic, he thought;

”I will rig my record player to play faster and faster as each day passes, so that when I am 34 it will spin at 34 revolutions per minute and when I am 56 it will spin at 56 revolutions. I will play ”Runnin'” each morning and dance to it, until the song plays so fast that I can dance no longer. I will then end my life in a manner becoming a man like myself.”

The grooves in the record wore down by the time he turned 35, and Sebastian was forced to live life, by life's own timetable.